
Showing posts from October, 2020

Happiness Is Enjoying Vegetarian Food

  Have you ever think about that what food is? And why we eat it? Many of us would only just have ever thought about this. The major cause of this negligence may be linked to our needs of hunger, because you could see that when the child is in the womb of his mother remains active and busy in satiating its hunger needs.   And when his birth occurred he keeps itself engaged in sucking of his mother's breasts. Total things remain always same when he becomes adult then old and till the last he completes total life span. We always get so occupied in our daily's working and responsibilities that we fail to remember that what we are doing or performing and what will be the outcomes.   To stay the Jones in order to show off that you are no fewer than anyone, we remain on chasing materialist belongings. We set ourselves into it similar to a beam emotionally involved to a wheel. It endlessly spates round and round and round but each and every one of his hard workings stay fruitl